Prepared to be a Pioneer™

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Prepared to Be a Pioneer™ | Monica F. Cox, Ph.D.
E-mail: | Telephone: 317-721-3501
4315 Commerce Drive, Suite 440-205, Lafayette, IN 47905

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Downloadables to Make Your Professional Life Easier

I am becoming somewhat obsessed with Canva, the site that helps you create beautiful graphic designs, often for free. For your convenience, I have placed some of my downloadable professional development sheets here for you to access and download. Check back often for new worksheets, templates, and guides, and please let others know about my creations. If you have an idea for a downloadable that you want me to create, send me an e-mail at As always, thanks for your support and feedback.

Graduate Student Advisor Myths 

Diverse Faculty Retention Tips

“Wedding Model” Mentoring Guide

Professional Interview Checklist

Follow me on Instagram and Twitter @DrMonicaCox!

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