Prepared to be a Pioneer™

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Prepared to Be a Pioneer™ | Monica F. Cox, Ph.D.
E-mail: | Telephone: 317-721-3501
4315 Commerce Drive, Suite 440-205, Lafayette, IN 47905

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Let your work ethic speak to your credibility. You can’t knock a result.

Imagine meeting your future employer for the first time. If three of your closest professional acquaintances had met with the employer prior to your meeting, how might those conversations inform your interview?

You want a good reputation to precede you. Work today so that years from now, when someone mentions your name, they connect it to something good and something bigger than you.

When your work ethic is strong, people will seek you out. Make it your goal to be so consistent in your actions that an employer would hire you based on others accounts of your work ethic.

Do you like this brief nugget? If so, please share this excerpt and read more in my newly published book, Excellence: Why Being Average is Never an Option, with others. Buy it here.

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