Prepared to Be a Pioneer™ Is Open for Business!
When I started my business, I thought of working only with clients in academia- graduate students, postdoctoral professionals, and faculty. After all, this is the world that I have known my entire life. Little did I know that my first client would be someone completely opposite of my expected profile!
Meet Ashley G. Scott, a spunky, friendly Lafayette, Indiana, organizational queen who has a flair for all things beautiful. For the past few months, I’ve gotten to know her and have obtained solid feedback about aspects of my business from her. A budding techie and entrepreneur, Ashley moderated a panel at the 2014 SXSW: South By Southwest conference and gave a dynamic presentation about the benefits of co-working space at the first TEDxLafayette event a few months ago. Most recently Lafayette’s Journal and Courier named Ashley one of the community’s top Movers and Shakers.
Ashley engaged in Prepared to Be a Pioneer’s™ coaching service and within a month launched a business that combines her skills and her passions. With a mission to organize the lives or her clients, Ashley is on her way to pursing her lifelong passion via a new brand called Organized Ashley (see testimonial below)!
“I want to be the ultimate accountability partner for my clients, because that’s what Dr. Cox did through Prepared to Be a Pioneer™ for me. With her, I was pushed to do things I have never done and with her guidance I excelled.” Ashley G. Scott, Organized Ashley
What I’ve learned from this experience is that I have unique skills to offer my clients and that I want to personalize the experience for each client. What I know for sure is that every client will obtain the following:
- Personalized Attention- Clients deserve boutique experiences where they feel that they every service is one-of-kind. Since people are different, they will not receive carbon copies of templates and solutions. I will get to know the whole person with whom I am working- one who has dreams and who needs to overcome fears and barriers to achieve professional goals.
- Honest, Constructive Critiques- My goal is to present Prepared to Be a Pioneer™ in the best way possible. This means that I will provide honest feedback to clients about where they are in their professional development and what they need to do to fulfill their goals within the timelines that they have set for themselves.
- Actionable Plans- I am a doer, and I want my clients to be doers as well. Although talking about the issues is a major aspect of my coaching service, my end goal is to apply solid principles and to execute professional development plans that are measurable and actionable.
- Ongoing Encouragement- I want to stay in touch with my clients and remind them that they are members of the Prepared to Be a Pioneer™ family. The long-term goal of my business is to create a community of individuals who can pay it forward and will assist others who want to become pioneers.
My experience with Ashley has excited me about the future of Prepared to Be a Pioneer.™ My dreams for the business are bigger than I originally imagined, and I look forward to traveling with others on this amazing entrepreneurial journey.
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